Thursday 3 November 2011

Texting in social situations ....

"Texting in social situations" is when someone texts while having a conversation with someone else .

 Don't you think it's pretty rude? .In my own opinion, I think that  texting in social situations is really rude and i  think it's also  disrespectful  to the person you're having a conversation with. When you're talking to someone ,do you ever text while the person your talking to is telling you an amazing story but you just couldn't really appriciate the story because you probably just heard 0.5% of the story and because you were focused on texting someone else? . When you talk to someone and telling them an amazing and exciting story and you see them texting , wouldn't you feel a bit sad? Wouldn't you also feel that  you're stories are pretty boring  and wouldn't you also feel like your stories are annoying them because the person seems like they don't even care of what you are saying or what you're telling them?

If you're one of the people that does this continuously , you should Stop or at least don't do it all the time. It's rude,you know...But, there are exceptions though. If your conversations got a little  bit awkward or a lot awkward , maybe you can text someone to kind of avoid the awkward situation you'er having Or you could also text if both of you have nothing to talk about anymore so that it won't be really rude  .

 If I can make five etiquette rules for texting it would be :

  • Don't text while conversing with a person .
  • Excuse yourself before texting someone .
  • So, it won't be rude Text when both of you stop talking or if the conversation goes Awkward.
  • Listen before texting ,
  • You can look at the text. but, don't text back if it's not that important .
I have one last message for all of you who always text in social situation ......